Sunday, January 12News That Matters

Tag: Sailax

Technology Is the Answer to all the challenges of Start Ups & Businesses across the globe Says Ajay Sharma, Founder of DBC

Business, Press Release
New Delhi (India), October 01: “Digital Business Card is for everyone who believes in tech as an answer to the daily life challenges, especially in the world of Start-Ups & Business” said Mr Ajay Sharma, founder Sailax & Digital Business Card. Mr. Sharma believes networking is something that can change the whole course of Start-Ups & Entrepreneurs. But it is not easy to create and maintain this network or its’ database easily these days. He believes, to ease this process of maintaining the Database for all the start-ups and entrepreneurs, a wide array of technology is available today, and Sailax an Indian Australian Company offers another such technology but with a tinge of revolution with its Digital Business Card providing one-click data management for the ease of keeping a ...